ReFreeDrive’s activities update

As you know, motors design stage has been successfully finished, so now it’s time to bring all these novel concepts into reality. Therefore, these last months are being quite hectic for us all, and it’s only the beginning! While significant progresses on motors...
ReFreeDrive @ 3rd H2020RTR Conference

ReFreeDrive @ 3rd H2020RTR Conference

In view of the great success of the previous editions of the conference, next 4th and 5th December, ReFreeDrive project will take part in the 3rd European Conference on results from Road Transport Research projects in H2020, organized by ERTRAC and EGVIA, together...
Download our Coiltech 2019 presentations

Download our Coiltech 2019 presentations

ReFreeDrive partners attended last 25-26th September Coiltech fair and its well-known World Magnetic Conference to share the project results achieved so far with the main experts from industry and academia in the field of electric mobility. The active participation of...

ReFreeDrive IEMDC paper available for download

Last May ReFreeDrive partners University of L’Aquila and Motor Design Ltd participated in IEMDC’2019 conference (IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference), which was held in San Diego (CA, USA). As part of their contribution to the conference a...
ReFreeDrive @ IECON 2019

ReFreeDrive @ IECON 2019

The 45th Annual Conference of the Industrial Electronics Society (IECON’2019) was held last October 14th-17th in Lisbon (Portugal). IECON focuses on contemporary industry topics ranging from electronics, controls, manufacturing, to communications and computational...
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 770143