Our leaflet is ready!

Our leaflet is ready!

Prepared by our Dissemination Manager, the University of L’Aquila, this leaflet will be used for general information about the project figures, partners and main objectives as a teaser to attract attention to our research and our website. All the ReFreeDrive partners...
Six months and running!

Six months and running!

The ReFreeDrive team met last April at MDL premises in Wrexham to review the project status. Currently, the boundary conditions and driving cycles have been defined as basis for the design work packages to work with. Both design work packages for the Induction Machine...
Meet the EEVC 2018

Meet the EEVC 2018

The European Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Congress is now recognised as premier global platform in the field of eMobility. However, the sixth edition will again be organised the framework of the Geneva International Motor Show.  On top, a more close...
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 770143