The partners of the ReFreeDrive Project are gathering at Coiltech 2018, International Coil Winding Exhibition and Conference.

Be sure to attend the specific workshop  on Rare Earth-Free Traction Technologies. On Wednesday 26 September at 10.30 a.m. the ReFreeDrive Partners will disclose the results of their research on Rare Earth Free Motor Technologies. Find the programme of our workshop here

Visit Coiltech is free of Charge, if you are interested in the project you can reach us at the workshop or visit the booth of the partners:

  • 7-A29 Breukmann
  • 9-A08 Motor Design Limited
  • 9-A06 R13 Technology
  • 9-A06 University of L’Aquila

For additional details:

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 770143