ReFreeDrive project activities are being inevitably slowed down due to the spread of coronavirus in Europe. Nevertheless, in the last weeks many milestones regarding motors manufacturing have been accomplished. Pure synchronous reluctance (SynRel) motors including power electronics have been fully manufactured by UAQ, R13 and MAVEL, for both 75kW – medium power and 200 kW – high power applications, and are ready to be tested when possible.

In relation with that, colleagues from UAQ and R13 have been interviewed within the “Research and Innovation” section of Platinum magazine, a publication focused on innovative solutions and developments carried out with the participation of Italian companies and universities. They have highlighted the main innovative features of ReFreeDrive’s SynRel motors and power electronics, and how they fit current EVs market needs.

You can read the full publication in the following links:

Italian version:–senza-terre-rare

English version:

Stay safe, stay at home!

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 770143